STC Special Countdown Event STC 跨年特別活動

It's been our privilege to have thousands of friends and family from the community come and join us on the day of counting down to 2013.  We have had some great memories, and now we would like to share them with you.

STC 很高興在2012年的最後一天,與近千位社區的朋友們度過了歡樂的一天,迎接嶄新的2013年的到來。下面請與我們一同回顧發大財、抽大獎、充滿活力與希望的2012最後一天。

Mahjong Tournament participants lining up outside STC Center

Imported professional mahjong sets prepared especially for this tournament 

Thanks to Cima Picture, a short and entertaining clip was created to explain the rules of the tournament 

感謝大賽鑽石贊助朋友豐田的總裁Dr. David Hall 自始至終的支持;更要謝謝多才多藝的大賽司儀水心明小姐讓大賽充滿了歡樂
Diamond Sponsor, Dr. David Hall, giving a speech; MC of the tournament, Ms Sherrien Shui, is next to him

City of Walnut Mayor, Mary Su, wishing all the players good luck 

God of Wealth and dancers from DIP sending good fortunes 

Our Security Team

STC 總裁許惠欽與 Dr. Hall共同鳴鑼開賽
John Hsu, the officer of STC, and Dr. Hall rang the gong that started the tournament

Let the game begin!

A judge is giving an instruction

Scoring Table of the tournament

The final ranking is published

恭喜年僅22歲的Richard Han奪得冠軍,我們也很高興看到麻將這一國粹在美國的華人年輕人中得以傳承
Richard Han, a 22-year-old, won the first place. Mahjong is popular amongst the younger generation as while as the old.  This thousand year old Chinese pastime is going to pass on, even in a different continent ! 

Special thanks to all the crews who have made STC Mahjong Tournament a big success!
Click to see the full final ranking. 點此了解完整大賽最終排名。


A big thanks to all those have participated in the competition. 
We have held this tournament in hopes to promote Mahjong as a fun and wonderful strategic game, which was invented long time ago and is still very popular with the Asian Community to this day.


This is our seventh year countdown at the Yes Plaza.  As were previous years, thousands of visitors joined us for the spectacular night! This year was marked special by the Mayan legend.  It is a true testament of optimism beats all that we are going to celebrate, laugh and leave 2013 behind whilst welcoming the New Year!

Can't find parking? No Problem! For every 15 minutes, we have arranged special shuttle from Seasons place to the Yes Plaza.   

You have your choice of authentic Taiwanese delicacies to chose from.  From stinky tofu to fish bowl soup.  Warmth is just one spoon away!  

核桃市市長蘇王秀蘭和朋友豐田總裁Dr. Hall為在場觀眾送祝福
Mary Su, Mayor of Walnut, and Dr. David Hall, Senior Vice President of Hitchcock Automotive Resources, sending their bless to the audience

Lead by the dancers on stage, audience danced the Gangnam-Style together as the clock counts down. The biggest Gangnam Flash Mob on this side of the town! 

ETTV - 南加民眾迎跨年 許個新年新希望 (1/2/2013 11:33)
News Clip - Yes Plaza Countdown Event


As an iconic tradition for Chinese Americans in Southern California, Yes Plaza's 7th Annual New Year's Eve Countdown Celebration was once again a great success with thousands in attendance! We will face the upcoming 2013 with a big smile on our face! 
