CEO Commentary - More national retailers and restaurants are closing their stores this year. How will this affect consumer confidence and our general economy on the local and national level? 今年更多的國內連鎖商店面與餐館決定減縮現有的店面。這一決定將對消費者信心,地方經濟及全國經濟會有怎樣的影響?

More national retailers and restaurants are closing their stores this year. How will this affect consumer confidence and our general economy on the local and national level?

We are now living in a special time period in which our ways of living are changing rapidly due to technological advancement. Despite recent store closures and downsizing of many national retailers, we are seeing more and more new businesses and creative business concepts coming online. As the old adage “survival of the fittest” reminds us, businesses need to constantly prepare themselves to adapt and to evolve around consumers’ ever-changing preferences in order to stay atop of today’s fierce competitions. In other words, businesses can still thrive and be successful as long as they can appropriately cater to the specific demand of our consumers. In conclusion, I do not feel recent store closures are causing concerns for our economies as well as affecting our consumer spending confidence. Conversely, these available retail spaces may be ideal for our next creative users.



~ John Hsu 許惠欽, CCIM, MBA, CPM (Linked in)

