STC CEO, John Hsu is teaching a real estate Class for Youth and Teenagers

STC CEO John Hsu, will be teach an "Introduction to Commercial Real Estate" class dedicated for Youth and Teenagers on March 17, 2018 10AM to 11AM

This class is for youth ages 12 and up. Adults are welcome as well.

If you think you or someone you know has aspiration for finance or real estate, this class is tailor towards them!

We will be cover the topic below:
1. What are commercial real estates practitioners?
2. Is real estate the right career for you?
3. How do you prepare yourself to become successful in this field?
4. CRE & Problem Solving Skills CRE Management
5. Investment and Asset Management

Class is FREE to register with qualification:
1. Ages 12-21 (ages 17-21 with valid student ID )
2. valid STC Foundation membership

$100 General Admission

John Hsu許惠欽,MBA, CPM, CCIM,
Linkedin Profile -

John Hsu, Chief Executive Officer of STC Management, leads the company with both knowledge and passion. With a BA in Business Economics from UCLA and an MBA from Pepperdine with concentration in Management & Investments, John has been involved in the real estate industry since 1988. Under John’s vision the corporation has expanded rapidly to become the first Asian firm in the United States to receive the Accredited Management Organization designation, and manages a portfolio spanning across the Greater Los Angeles Area, north to Ventura County, south to Orange County, and east to San Bernardino County. Today, STC Management is the largest and most respected commercial real estate firm in the Southern California Chinese community.

Dara Inc. CEO (2014-Current)
STC Management CEO (19850-Current)
CCIM Technology Chair (‘06 - ’08)
CCIM Education Chair (2008)
CCIM Vice President (2009)
CCIM President (2010)
CCIM China Liaison (2011-2012)

Advisory Board Member for Career Development Center (2016-Current)
Whittier Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors (2016-Current)
Commissioner of Los Angeles County Assessment Appeals Board (2015-2018)
Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Commissioner Chair
Regional Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley, Chairman & President (2014-2015)
STC Foundation President (2012-Current)
Rowland Heights Chinese Association, President (2011-2013)
Buckboard Days Parade Publicity & Sponsorship Chair (2011)
Kiwanis Club of Arcadia, President (2009)
Rowland Heights Advocates for Cityhood Board of Directors


STC Marketing said…
STC CEO John Hsu's class for youth and teenagers on Commercial Real Estate 101 was very well received. John had wished to pass on more knowledge to the young students. John promised more classes in the future!
STC首席執行官許惠欽John Hsu上週六的商業地產青少年班受到廣大好評。 學生們都反應從這堂課中受益匪淺。 許惠欽承諾未來將舉辦更多類似的課程。#stc資產管理公司# #新聞# #商業房地產##青少年# ​​​​ #stcmanagement #stcfoundation #commercialrealestate #youth #education