Upcoming Free Seminar
Date: Nov 15, 16
Time: 1pm to 4pm
Location: Pacific Palm Resort
百年難得一見 的金融海嘯 ,我們要如何因應大跌的機會?
全球金融風暴發展至今, 影響程度已經遠遠超過很多人的預期。 然而,衰退的市場提出了以前無法獲得的投資和建立財富的機會。 這個最佳時機,不應該“看”接著會有什麼市場發展,也不應該“等”接著會有什麼變化。而是掌握在您眼前的機會。
在這個“百年難得一見”的金融風暴裡,我們要如何應? 唯有透過更了解目前金濟金融的變化,才能進一步掌握這個絕佳機會。 今年的年度華人財經菁英論壇, 將於11/15/2008 和11/16/2008 下午一點,與工業市的Pacific Palms Resort 與行。 我們特別在這次講座中,針對目前的金融環境變化, 為南加洲的華人做詳細 的分析評估,協助您在崩盤的危機中,保護和累積您的財富。此外,資產管理師許惠欽, 會分享如何用商業房地產來賺錢。
本次論壇,南加洲的財經專家總動員,保括資產管理師許惠欽 , 理財保險師廖彬淳, 美國認証精算師程泓勳,會計師葉俊麟, 及遺產規劃稅務律師陳冠英, 5 位不同領域的專家人士一同為您免費主講。
Opportunity knocks!
A combination of recent events in the financial sector has produced wide-spread global consequences that have far surpassed anyone’s expectations. However, the declining market has presented previously unavailable opportunities to invest and build wealth. Instead of waiting on the sidelines to see how events in the market develop, it is time to take a look at the opportunities that are at hand!
First, we must understand what is going on in the market. Our expert panel from the fields of asset management (John Hsu), actuary (Jonathan H. Cheng), accounting (Kevin Yeh), law (Eric K. Chen), and financial planning (Benson Liao) will present an in depth analysis and point you in the right direction. Finally, learn how you can increase the value of your assets by up to 30 times! STC Management’s John Hsu will highlight key concepts of value, leverage, and management in real estate investments.
Let us show you how you can prosper in today’s market! Join us November 15, 2008 & November 16, 2008 at 1pm in Pacific Palms Resort and hear what our panel of experts has to say about today’s market and invest in your future!
RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! (562) 695 - 1513

Date: Nov 15, 16
Time: 1pm to 4pm
Location: Pacific Palm Resort
百年難得一見 的金融海嘯 ,我們要如何因應大跌的機會?
全球金融風暴發展至今, 影響程度已經遠遠超過很多人的預期。 然而,衰退的市場提出了以前無法獲得的投資和建立財富的機會。 這個最佳時機,不應該“看”接著會有什麼市場發展,也不應該“等”接著會有什麼變化。而是掌握在您眼前的機會。
在這個“百年難得一見”的金融風暴裡,我們要如何應? 唯有透過更了解目前金濟金融的變化,才能進一步掌握這個絕佳機會。 今年的年度華人財經菁英論壇, 將於11/15/2008 和11/16/2008 下午一點,與工業市的Pacific Palms Resort 與行。 我們特別在這次講座中,針對目前的金融環境變化, 為南加洲的華人做詳細 的分析評估,協助您在崩盤的危機中,保護和累積您的財富。此外,資產管理師許惠欽, 會分享如何用商業房地產來賺錢。
本次論壇,南加洲的財經專家總動員,保括資產管理師許惠欽 , 理財保險師廖彬淳, 美國認証精算師程泓勳,會計師葉俊麟, 及遺產規劃稅務律師陳冠英, 5 位不同領域的專家人士一同為您免費主講。
Opportunity knocks!
A combination of recent events in the financial sector has produced wide-spread global consequences that have far surpassed anyone’s expectations. However, the declining market has presented previously unavailable opportunities to invest and build wealth. Instead of waiting on the sidelines to see how events in the market develop, it is time to take a look at the opportunities that are at hand!
First, we must understand what is going on in the market. Our expert panel from the fields of asset management (John Hsu), actuary (Jonathan H. Cheng), accounting (Kevin Yeh), law (Eric K. Chen), and financial planning (Benson Liao) will present an in depth analysis and point you in the right direction. Finally, learn how you can increase the value of your assets by up to 30 times! STC Management’s John Hsu will highlight key concepts of value, leverage, and management in real estate investments.
Let us show you how you can prosper in today’s market! Join us November 15, 2008 & November 16, 2008 at 1pm in Pacific Palms Resort and hear what our panel of experts has to say about today’s market and invest in your future!
RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! (562) 695 - 1513
