What Recession?!?!
Yes Plaza is (again) welcoming a new addition…Lee’s Sandwiches!
Despite the grim economic news that is constantly presented before the general public, STC Management charges forward and continues to expand and support the plazas that they manage. This coming weekend, Yes Plaza and STC will be welcoming its newest member to the community. This would be the first expansion to the Rowland Heights area for the popular sandwich franchise. On November 22 (Saturday), they will be holding their grand opening - providing sandwich samples for all those who wish to attend. The sampling will begin at 8am and the event will last until 12 noon. In between, attendees can enjoy the festivities with city representatives and dragon dance performances.
Lee Sandwiches is a Vietnamese franchise that has experienced tremendous growth in the past few years. This European inspired bakery attracts a diverse crowd from traditional Vietnamese-Americans to a younger crowd that is wowed by the full-color bilingual menu signs. The extensive menu caters to a wide audience from traditional Asian inspired sandwiches to delectable butter croissant sandwiches and pastries. The visit would not be complete without an ice cold coffee drink – the unique rich flavor compliments the fresh baked bread and desserts!
Located in the heart of Rowland Heights, Yes Plaza is a neighborhood hot spot with the perfect collection of retail and dining. With the addition of Lee’s Sandwich, the plaza will only become more popular! Yes Plaza is located 18194 Colima Road, Rowland Heights, CA 91748.
Yes Plaza又有新商家入駐
Lee’s Sandwiches週六盛大開幕
(記者黃思齊報導) STC 在景氣一片低糜的情況下, 還是努力不懈的為商場注入新生命, 所以住在羅蘭崗的民眾有福了!享譽盛名的Lee’s Sandwiches即將於十一月二十二日(星期六)早上在Yes Plaza盛大開幕,當日將提供美味的早點三明治供民眾試吃,喜歡嘗鮮的民眾,千萬不要錯過機會。
根據Yes Plaza管理單位STC資產管理公司表示,試吃活動由當天早上八時開始至十二時為止,早上十時有舞龍表演,多位政要將應邀剪綵,熱鬧可期。
Lee’s Sandwiches是一家專賣越南式三明治的速食連鎖店,以平價且口味清新大受歡迎。該店所有餐點都有彩色圖片供參考,而且是英文與越南文並用,所販售之三明治從兩美元起跳,份量不小,口感清新,吃過的人都覺得「物超所值」。
Lee’s Sandwiches的三明治種類很多,外包法國麵包外酥內鬆軟,裡面的料選擇多,包括BBQ雞肉、牛肉、火腿等,加上越南式特製醃製的紅蘿蔔、白蘿蔔、香菜、紅綠辣椒,咬一口,飽腹又爽口。若不喜歡法國麵包的硬,也可選擇較軟的可頌麵包。因為越南曾經是法國屬地,越南咖啡也很特別,味道濃郁,還有肉串、乾河粉捲、香腸炒飯等各種越南小吃,當然不能忘了提到令人吃了還想再吃的越式甜點。
位於羅蘭崗中心地帶的Yes Plaza是一個具備食衣住行多項功能的綜合性商場,現在又進駐這家非常受歡迎的三明治店,相信將能為Yes Plaza帶來更多的人潮。
Yes Plaza的地址位於18194 Colima Road, Rowland Heights, Ca 91748