STC Management, cordially invited all honored guests to attend our Appreciation Party Dec 13, 2008

Dec. 13 2008
STC資產管理公司, 於2008年12月13日在知名的高級飯店 - South Pasadena Langham Hotel舉辦感謝餐會, 而前來參加餐會的都是STC的客戶, 長期合作的商家, 還有知名媒體人士。此外STC也特別邀請到國際知名的房地產專家 Carmela Ma 和 大洛杉磯地區2008 CCIM的會長Todd D. Weaver 前來參加這場餐會, 並且開了一個特別座談會。 兩位先後在座談會上都提到如何掌握投資契機及宏觀全球發展, 讓不少賓客和投資者都獲得了更多的投資知識和新的方向。
在感謝餐會上, STC 團隊領導人 - John Hsu提出 STC 接下來將率先實施最新的管理系統。 其管理系統將分為兩大類: 租賃管理系統 (LMS) 和 市場行銷推廣系統 (BMS) 。
租賃管理系統其目的是要將租賃過程以快捷迅速的方式掌握所有的房客資料 , 並將他們放入適合的空屋以達到最大的經濟效應。這套系統會收集所有房客 、準房客和所有空屋的資料 , 且自動化的配套出最合適的組合。 這將會幫助所有STC 的客戶省下不少時間、 金錢和精力。 再來是市場行銷推廣系統 , 這套系統將幫助所有STC的房客宣傳刺激經濟效應 , 讓他們的生意可以成長及獲利。 它將會收集房客的宣傳廣告、活動資訊、及優惠方案。也一樣會自動化的將資訊傳給廣大的客戶群, 並且達到最好的宣傳效果。 最後John Hsu 特別將STC過去九年的成長成績單跟大家分享, 在過去的九年裡, 在STC管理下不動產資產成長高達 $15 億, 而租賃成績亦高達178萬 平方英尺。 在STC 旗下管理的商場, 有許多知名的大房客駐入 如 Starbucks、 Denny’s、 McDonalds、Ross、鳳城 …等, 也讓STC 的成長更茁壯更出色。 最後John Hsu 跟他的所有團隊在餐會上 , 一起向所有的賓客表示謝意也希望未來可以和大家一起成長 , 達到互惠雙贏的局面。
December 13, 2008 – STC Management held their year-end Appreciation Party this past Saturday at The Langham Huntington Hotel & Spa in Pasadena. Guests include STC clients, vendors, and several media outlets. Also in attendance were special guests: international real estate expert Carmela Ma & CCIM Greater Los Angeles Chapter President Todd D. Weaver –both of whom were also speakers for the seminar portion of the Appreciation Party. Both experts provided their professional opinion on investment strategies and taking advantage of global opportunities. Without a doubt, their presentation provided guests with knowledge and many new investment approaches.
Additionally, STC Team Leader John Hsu took a moment during the Appreciation Party to reveal new strategies. To begin with, John introduced two proprietary systems: Leasing Management System (LMS) and Business Marketing System (BMS). The purpose of LMS is to consolidate tenant information and prospective tenant information with available spaces to ensure the best space complements the most suitable tenant. This system would be able to process information more efficiently and accurately saving STC clients’ time, money, and energy. The BMS system, on the other hand, is a system that is created for existing tenants. This marketing system will help streamline advertising efforts to stimulate and promote tenant businesses. It will assemble together all advertisements, special promotions, and limited time discount programs for mass distribution to the general populous for maximum exposure.
John Hsu also shared with the audience STC Management’s company growth and future direction. Over the last nine years, STC has accumulated $1.5 Billion in real estate assets in the company management portfolio – including a sum of over 1.78 million square feet of retail space. Under STC Management’s administration, many national franchise tenants, such as Starbuck’s Coffee, Denny’s Restaurant, McDonald’s, Ross, Phoenix Restaurants, etc., have come to partner with STC – adding to STC’s growing tenant portfolio. Together with his team of young and energetic team members, John expressed gratitude for continual support from everyone and hopes that STC would be able to continue to grow with the collaboration and aid of all guests at the Appreciation Party.
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Appreciation Party December 13 2008 |