倒數迎新慶祝大會 @ Yes Plaza
Dec 31, 2008
想要看現場表演 , 逛懷念已久的夜市, 以及用一個特別的方式來迎接新年嗎? 那你就不能錯今年由STC管理公司所主辦的. 這個活動將舉辦在羅蘭崗的心臟地帶 - YES廣場。而這將會是一個從下午6時到凌晨12小時無間斷的狂歡派對, 大家可以盡情享受所有商家提供的精緻美食, 小點, 還有兒時的路邊攤遊戲!! 此外有些商家還會有年終回饋大特價等這你來賺便宜喔!
在過去的十個月裡STC 管理公司在YES廣場舉辦了不少大大小小的活動, 而這次的倒數慶祝活動將又會是另一個最新的傑出盛會. STC 管理公司在完善的營運下, 以其創新的管理方法創造了業主與租客之間的互協合作並且提供機會讓雙方都可受益而更重要的是讓經濟得以增長 .
STC 管理公司和YES 廣場 誠致的邀請大家一起參加這個倒數慶祝大會
地點: 18156-18230 Colima Road, Rowland Heights, CA 91748.
詳細請洽: (562)695-1513
祝大家新年快樂 希望與你們在YES 廣場 不見不散~!!

New Year Countdown @ Yes Plaza
Dec 31, 2008
Live entertainment, full concert production, and night market festivities – there is no better way to greet the New Year and all of its opportunities. This year, Yes Plaza and STC Management will be hosting the ultimate New Year celebration in the heart of Rowland Heights from 6 p.m. until the clock strikes twelve. The mixture of vendors at this evening event will provide a food and entertainment experience that rivals no other. You won’t find ubiquitous lunch items at the night market. Instead, there will be an amazing selection of culinary delights running the gamut from spicy Kyo Chon chicken to exotic Java spices. Special 10% off promotions are also available from some vendors – for New Year’s Eve only! Other than providing a family friendly way to celebrate the New Year, it is also an event to bring hope in light of the current economy.
This only marks the latest event that STC Management has held at this particular location in the last 10 months. STC Management is a full service property management firm. Their innovative management methods have created a certain synergy and collaboration between Landlords and Tenants – providing an opportunity for both parties to benefit and, more importantly, grow.
STC Management and Yes Plaza cordially invites everyone to stop by and join in on the party! Yes Plaza is located 18156-18230 Colima Road, Rowland Heights, CA 91748. For more information call (562)695-1513.
Happy Holidays and hope to see you there!