2009 Installation Fund Rising Dinner

Feb 13, 2009 6:30pm
East Gourmet Seafood Restaurant
8118A E. Garvey Ave
Rosemead, CA 91770

Kiwanis of Arcadia on Feb 13, 2009, will install it’s newest President John Hsu.
On this day, John wishes to emphasis theme of 2009 Kiwanis of Arcadia “Increase family relationships and work together to give our children a better future”
He also wants to express the theme of the Kiwanis International “Serving the Children of the world”, in hopes that will raise the awareness and the motion to help the children everywhere.

On Feb 13, 2009, Kiwanis of Arcadia has prepare a fantastic program which not only included the children’s performance, but also the performance from the Family with Special Children Association and Lincoln Training Center. These are the children with special needs that needs special attention. John has great hope that by seeing their tenacity and eagerness for life even when facing life adversities, our community can reach in their hearts and souls to help these children to better their lives.

Kiwanis of Arcadia sincerely hope that in 2009, the time of economic turmoil and adversity, our focus can be broaden to include those whom are part of our community and requires our help.
