Location: Concourse Medical Center康和醫護大樓
18575 E. Gale Ave
City of Industry, CA 91748
Event Date: May 30, 2009
Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Event Schedule
Free Health Screenings: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (supported by volunteers from Hsi Lai Temple)
Seminars & Activity Fair: 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM (educational seminars, live entertainment)
In response to the wonderful outcome of last year’s Free Health Screening, STC Management and Concourse Medical Center are returning the support Rowland Heights residents has shown last year.
This year, we are very fortunate have Hsi Lai Temple’s sponsor at the health screening.
From the group of professional medical doctors, at your services attending to your health including check up such as pediatric spinal inspection, foot scanning, UV scanning skin, blood sugar check, glaucoma screening, elder gout screening, pain consultation, osteoporosis screening, and drug advisory.
In addition to free health screening, we have also invited to a Southern California Edison, Whittier Hospital, Metlife, Mt. San Antonio College, Diagnostic Medical Group, Central Health, etc to provide free information seminars. In the economic downturn, we are exploring how does multi-ethnic communities can be united to weather through this economic recession in 2009.
We will have prize drawing for all participators. Prizes includes 32-inch LCD TV, GPS navigation systems, personal portable computers.
We will also be serving free lunch to all participator, on the first come first served bases.
Don’t miss this fun and very informative afternoon. You will sure to benefit from this event!!!
【活動主旨】繼去年五月三十號舉辦的健康快樂營活動後,STC Management 與康和醫護大樓為了響應羅蘭崗華裔社區居民的踴躍支持與愛護,今年非常榮幸的邀請到佛光山西來寺的愛心義工來合辦這次的義診。
除了免費看診服務之外, 我們還隆重邀請南加州愛迪生、惠提爾醫院、加福醫學診斷中心、以及大都會保險來提供免費的資訊講座, 從多方面來探討如何團結我們華裔社區的力量來度過這經濟蕭條的2009 年。當天參加活動者將有免費午餐供應至下午二時,另外還有機會參加抽獎活動,大獎包括32 吋 LCD 電視機, GPS 導航系統, 個人手提電腦,等 多項精美禮品,千萬不要錯過唷!
【活動時間】2009年 5月30日 9 AM – 5 PM