April 25, 2009 (Saturday) 12pm-6pm
Arcadia Golf Course
620 E Live Oak, Arcadia, CA 91006
Contact Info:
(562) 695-1513 中文 | Jeri
(650) 279-1212 English | Douglas

亞凱迪亞同濟會將在 Arcadia高爾夫球場 (Arcadia Golf Course) 舉辦 2009年第一屆青少年高爾夫籌款活動. Arcadia高爾夫球場是一個3桿(Par 3) 的高爾夫球場. 非常適於青少年或初學者. 贊助費 $40 可包括一位大人和一位小孩再加上一人一個午餐盒飯. 家長可以帶著孩子們度過一個享受陽光和健康快樂的下午.
國際同濟會的宗旨與動力在於 ”幫助全世界所需要關懷的孩子/Serving the Children of the world”
亞凱迪亞同濟會更是本著服務社區的精神, 希望聚集一群有愛心的義工,幫助我們周邊的孩子們.
Arcadia Kiwanis Club Is holding It’s first annual Youth Golf Foundraising at Arcadia Golf Course. Arcadia Golf Course Is a par 3 course. Whether you are a beginner or a young player, It’s designed for you. Sponsorship of $40 will Include on adult with one child and lunch for both. Parents are welcome to bring their children for a fun filling and Healthy afternoon!
The goal of Kiwanis International has been “Serving the Children of the world”. Arcadia Kiwanis Club striving to serve the community, and It’s children.