About Life Academy
During the past century, we humans developed technological skills far beyond our wildest expectations and at the same time advanced bloody warfare in equal measure. It was a dark 20th century of world war and endless religious strife that has continued to the present day.
While we were busy improving the quality of our living standard by creating state of the art technology, the same technological skills were at work creating a world in crisis. In an age looking more and more like a crumbling world, we excelled in the use of our natural resources, but we were failing at using our best resource….ourselves.

“I really treasured the extraordinary experience I had during the four day business leadership training session with Life Academy in Canada. I learned much more about myself and what I really want to achieve in my career and in my life. I was deeply affected by the interactive learning activities with other students and the values and beliefs bestowed upon us by the instructors. The Life Academy helps me regain my strength, my true heart and directs me to become a better leader through self-reflection, self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-improvement. I would highly recommend this course to anyone.”
“我真的非常珍惜我的經驗,在加拿大的為期4天的業務培訓會議的領導與生命科學,讓我學到更多的關於自己和在我的職業生涯與我的生命裏正想達到的目標。互動的學習活動,我們的教員賦予我與其他學生的價值觀念和信仰,對我有著深刻的影響。通過自我反省,自我認識,自我激勵,自我改進,圓桌教育基金會幫助我找回我的強項,釐清我的思想理念,它指示我如何成為一個更好的領導者。我強烈的推薦這門課程給其它所有人。 “
-John Hsu,STC Management
About Life Academy
During the past century, we humans developed technological skills far beyond our wildest expectations and at the same time advanced bloody warfare in equal measure. It was a dark 20th century of world war and endless religious strife that has continued to the present day.
While we were busy improving the quality of our living standard by creating state of the art technology, the same technological skills were at work creating a world in crisis. In an age looking more and more like a crumbling world, we excelled in the use of our natural resources, but we were failing at using our best resource….ourselves.

“I really treasured the extraordinary experience I had during the four day business leadership training session with Life Academy in Canada. I learned much more about myself and what I really want to achieve in my career and in my life. I was deeply affected by the interactive learning activities with other students and the values and beliefs bestowed upon us by the instructors. The Life Academy helps me regain my strength, my true heart and directs me to become a better leader through self-reflection, self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-improvement. I would highly recommend this course to anyone.”
“我真的非常珍惜我的經驗,在加拿大的為期4天的業務培訓會議的領導與生命科學,讓我學到更多的關於自己和在我的職業生涯與我的生命裏正想達到的目標。互動的學習活動,我們的教員賦予我與其他學生的價值觀念和信仰,對我有著深刻的影響。通過自我反省,自我認識,自我激勵,自我改進,圓桌教育基金會幫助我找回我的強項,釐清我的思想理念,它指示我如何成為一個更好的領導者。我強烈的推薦這門課程給其它所有人。 “
-John Hsu,STC Management