Relay For Life of Arcadia 2009 June 27 to 28 11am to 11am
Santa Anita Park
24 hours you will never forget!
This year we honor the moemory of Charles Gilb, pat Mayor of Arcadia and highly respected Arcadia resident
華 裔會員占三分之二的同濟會(Kiwanis Club),去年參與「生命接力賽」活動後,今年再度參與。會長許惠欽表示,癌症罹患者有逐漸年輕化趨勢,今年除特別捐2500元給美國癌症協會,作為兒 童癌症研究外,更發動亞凱迪亞高中100位學生參加生命接力賽,同時也在現場設立攤位,宣導禁菸、如何以健康生活及飲食防癌等觀念與知識。
18位亞凱迪亞華裔高中學生,除輪番上陣參加接力賽,還以命名為「Nothing is bigger than love」的攤位,以刺青貼紙、夜光裝飾品、射氣球及猜謎遊戲、現場製作動物氣球等多項活動,進行抗癌義賣。
另 一由華裔高中生組成的非營利社團「Simply Savant」,就讀克萊蒙高中九年級的會長寧琪表示,該會由14位來自聖蓋博、亞凱迪亞、聖迪瑪斯、克萊蒙、聖伯納諾汀諾及奇諾岡等地的高中生組成,今 年暑假在巴沙迪那從事暑期學習營的義工服務,並首次報名參加「生命接力賽」的活動,該會會員平日都頗愛運動,不乏排球、籃球、網球及高爾夫球高手,大家對 這項持續進行24小時的活動,都信心滿滿。
該活動將持續至28日上午11時,有興趣者可前往參加,地址:285 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007。
Why Do We Relay?
One in three people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life® unites communities across the country each year to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much.
This year marks the beginning of our celebration of 25 years of Relay For Life®. Won’t you join us this year and be a part of Relay? Help us mark this milestone and celebrate the successes we’ve achieved together during the last 25 years.
Watch a short video on Relay For Life and the impact that the event has on people and the community, by clicking on the image above. |
Your involvement with the American Cancer Society Relay For Life is essential to supporting our mission to eliminate cancer as a major health issue. The American Cancer Society fights cancer on four fronts: research, education, advocacy, and service.
--excerpt from American Cancer Society Website
The American Cancer Soceity is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education advocacy and service.