STC 在九月十九日晚,參加了第十九屆羅蘭崗華人恊會新會長接任晚會及籌募活動. 會中嘉賓包括核桃市長蘇王秀蘭,多位羅蘭崗學區會員, 鑽石吧華人恊會會員,及美國人口普查成員. 由新會長蔡素媺致詞勉勵市民 繼續關懷社區, 爭取成長. 整個五個小時半的節目熱鬧溫馨.
STC is honor to have participated the 19th annual Rowland Heights Chinese Association Inauguration Banquet. The participant included Mayor of Walnut City, Mary Su. Members of Diamond Bar Chinese Association and past and current staffs of U.S. Census. The event included price drawing, social dancing and speech of new President SuAnn Tsai, who emphasis the important of community growth and self help. The banquet lasted five and a half hour.