Free H1N1 Community Vaccination
Oct 24, 2009 (Saturday)
9am to 5pm
Location: Concourse Medical Center
18575 E. Gale Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748
Pandemic H1N1 Flu FAQ
Q: What is Pandemic H1N1 flu (formerly known as swine flu)?
A: Pandemic H1N1 flu is a respiratory infection caused by a new flu virus responsible for large outbreaks in many parts of the world. It has led to many hospitalizations and some deaths in certain parts of the U.S. population.
Q: Is Pandemic H1N1 flu the same as the seasonal flu?
A: No. The virus that causes Pandemic H1N1 flu is a new type of flu virus that is different from the virus that causes the seasonal flu. Both types of the flu can be serious. The good news is that getting a vaccine and practicing simple prevention steps such as washing your hands often can prevent them both.
Q: How is Pandemic H1N1 flu spread?
A: The main way that influenza viruses spread is through droplets from a sick person when they cough or sneeze. Flu viruses can also live on surfaces such as tables, faucets or doorknobs for up to eight hours. You can become infected with Pandemic H1N1 flu by touching an infected surface, then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Q: How serious is Pandemic H1N1 flu?
A: Most people will recover from the Pandemic H1N1 flu without treatment. However, just like the seasonal flu, Pandemic H1N1 flu can lead to serious health problems. Pregnant women, adults younger than 25 years of age, young children, and people with underlying health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease, are more likely to have complications from the flu.
Q: What are the symptoms of Pandemic H1N1 flu?
A: Many of the symptoms of Pandemic H1N1 flu are the same as the symptoms of the seasonal flu. These include fever, dry cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches, headache, and tiredness. The Pandemic H1N1 flu may also cause diarrhea and vomiting and can lead to serious complications for some people.
Q: Should you get vaccinated against Pandemic H1N1 flu?
A: The vaccine for Pandemic H1N1 flu is different from the seasonal flu vaccine that is recommended each year. Just like seasonal flu vaccines, Pandemic H1N1 vaccines are expected to be safe, effective and the best
way to prevent the flu.
Q: Are Pandemic H1N1 flu vaccines mandatory?
A: You aren’t required to get Pandemic H1N1 flu vaccines, but getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent this flu.
Q: Why aren’t Pandemic H1N1 flu vaccines recommended for older adults?
A: The groups recommended for vaccination are picked because they are more likely to get this flu, spread this flu, or suffer from more serious health problems if they are infected. Unlike seasonal flu, Pandemic H1N1 flu has caused fewer complications for older adults. This may be because older adults were exposed to the viruses in past years and have some immunity (ability to recognize and fight off the virus). Therefore, with limited vaccine available, efforts will focus on those most likely to have serious health problems.
Q: What else can you do to protect yourself and your family from Pandemic H1N1 flu?
A: Following some simple, everyday tips can help protect you and your family from the flu.
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough or sneeze.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water and/or use gel sanitizers.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth since germs spread that way.
• Avoid close contact with sick people and if you’re sick, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever ends.
If the Pandemic H1N1 vaccine is recommended for you, check with your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Don’t forget to ask your provider if you should also receive a seasonal flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine, which can prevent common flu complications. If you don’t have a healthcare provider, you may be able to receive low-cost or no-cost immunizations. Please visit http://publichealth.lacounty.gov or dial the Los Angeles County Info Line at 2-1-1 for more information.