2009 CCIM (國際註冊商業地產投資機構) Installation Dinner and Awards

Installing 2010 CCIM Greater Los Angeles Chapter President
John Hsu
STC Management Officer
Beverly Hills Country Club
Interviewing Regional Vice President Todd Weaver
Interviewing 2010 CCIM Greater Los Angeles Chapter President John Hsu
2009 President Peter Paik awarding 2o10 President John Hsu with recognition of achievement
The new 2010 CCIM Leadership Team
It was a night filled with great music and great entertainment. And last but not least, a lot of networking!!!

The CCIM movement began more than 40 years ago with commercial real estate practitioners who wanted to elevate their business practices through focused education and networking opportunities. Still today, education and networking remain the cornerstones of the CCIM designation and the reason for its success. The CCIM Institute confers the CCIM designation and is an affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
Established by the California Association of REALTORS® in 1954 under the name Certified Property Exchanger (CPE), the CCIM designation took on national significance in 1967 under administration by a division of the National Association of REALTORS®. In 1969, the designation was renamed Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). A council was established to administer the designation, and in 1991 it was granted institute status as an affiliate of NAR.
Now, with more than 19,000 members in 33 countries and 61 chapters worldwide the CCIM Institute has emerged as a truly global organization.CCIM 國際註冊商業房地產投資師的簡稱。它是由總部位於芝加哥的國際註冊商業房地產投
資師協會面向全球房地產界從業人員﹐通過一系列的課程教育﹑嚴格的考試和審核後﹐所頒發的專業資格。其課程體系﹐艱難深邃。相當於博士水準的知識﹐能使學員接受最佳房地產知識的專業訓練。對從業經驗的要求﹐保證了在掌握理論的同時﹐也掌握了實際操作經驗。CCIM專業資格是國際房地產界的權威資格認證。 CCIM候選人要獲得此項資格﹐除了必須通過六門專業及冗長的考試外﹐還必須在商業地產業﹑銀行抵押業﹑投資業等相關領域有五年工作經驗﹐並填寫和出示相關的文件﹐以證明最近五年內所從事的主要工作﹐獲得的主要業績達到了CCIM協會所要求的能力和素質的最低要求。經CCIM協會資格評審委員會評審並確定學員的CCIM資格後﹐再通過遠赴外州的一項綜合考試才能獲得CCIM徽章和資格認證證書﹐並獲有一項國際認可的國際註冊商業房地產投資師資格。各成員受協會道德條例的約束﹐這一條例制定了專業事務標準並確保資格擁有的誠信。此項專業資格在美國及世界上一些主要國家和地區﹐尤其是在市場經濟成熟發達的國家和地區被廣泛認可﹐並享有崇高的地位﹐代表著商業房地產領域的最高專業榮譽與權威性。
因此CCIM專業資格也是國際房地產界的通行證。目前僅有CCIM協會向全球提供商業房地產專業課程教育和資格認證﹐全球只有七千多房地產業專業人士有此殊榮。從一九六九年迄今﹐CCIM領導著全球的商業房地產投資市場﹐其網絡涵蓋了全球一千多個市場﹐反映了商業地產業的最新變化。它包括專業投資師﹑投資顧問﹑資產管理公司﹑評估師﹑會計師﹑物業管理公司﹑ 發展商﹑機構投資者﹑房地產律師﹑銀行家和其它相關專業人士。借助這一商業網絡及CCIM電子商業網絡﹐CCIM每年完成六萬筆左右的交易﹐總價值超過五百四十億美元。另外﹐通過CCIM協會及其他國際上的專業房地產組織﹐委託人的物業可以在全世界的五十二個國家裡賣給投資者。