STC Management is now a member of the California Receivers Forum, a non-profit organization supported by the Los Angeles Superior Court. Members include receivers, attorneys, accountants and property managers.
With regards to related to commercial real estate, receivers are appointed by the court to maintain properties that have been foreclosed or properties of an owner who has gone into bankruptcy. A receiver’s goal is to preserve the value of the property through management and/or to handle the disposition of the property. With more and more foreclosed properties due to both deteriorating fundamentals and debt distress, the number of properties placed with receivers has been increasing dramatically and is expected to continue its upward trend.
With regards to related to commercial real estate, receivers are appointed by the court to maintain properties that have been foreclosed or properties of an owner who has gone into bankruptcy. A receiver’s goal is to preserve the value of the property through management and/or to handle the disposition of the property. With more and more foreclosed properties due to both deteriorating fundamentals and debt distress, the number of properties placed with receivers has been increasing dramatically and is expected to continue its upward trend.