【活動名稱】STC東區元宵在四季 "虎年吉祥, 燈迷嘉年華"
【活動主旨】繼十二月三十一號舉辦的跨年活動後,STC Management 與四季廣場為希望再次把歡笑帶給大家。
猜燈迷,轉輪盤,幸運拿大獎 ! 精彩表演,好運連連連 ! 免費湯圓,還有紅包拿 ! 參加甄選,明星近距離 ! 五月天“DNA”演唱會驚喜好禮 ! 小朋友來玩燈籠,大人來憶童年 ! 還有全家點燈尋寶遊戲 !
Lantern Festival Celebration at Seasons Place
STC Management is doing it again! We've brought Lantern Festival to the Seasons Place. There was free Tang Yuan, free red envelope and free Lanterns!! Great Performances and Great Prizes are a must! In this difficult economic times, STC Management and Seasons Place Plaza wants to give back to the community by bringing nostalgic back to people's experiences. The smile on people's faces are testaments to the success!!
