The Rowland Heights Chinese Association & the Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council announce this year's Buckboard Parade will be held Saturday, October 22, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. As joint organizers of this annual community event, the RHCA & RHCCC are looking for sponsors, participants, and volunteers to make this a memorable experience. The theme of this year's parade is "Rowland Heights: the Best Community for Kids".
The parade route will on start on Nogales Avenue south of Colima Road proceeding north, turn east (right) on Colima Road, turn north (left) on Banida Avenue, and conclude at Rowland Heights County Park, to be followed by a community festival organized by the Rowland Council PTA and the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation.
Parties interested in sponsorship, parade participation, staff volunteers should send an email to
在羅蘭崗華人協會暨羅蘭崗社區協調委員會公佈今年的 Buckboard Day花車遊行將於2011年10月22日週六舉行,從上午9:00開始。
作為聯合主辦這項一年一度的社區活動中,羅蘭崗華人協會和羅蘭崗社區協調委員會正在尋找贊助商,參與者和志願者。我們希望這將是大家的一個難忘的經歷。今年的遊行的主題是"羅蘭崗, 是為孩子們打造最好的社區。"
花車巡遊路線上開始Colima路以南的Nogales大街向北出發,在Colima Rd右轉往東走,然後Banida大道左轉向北走,最後羅蘭崗公園聚集。在這將舉行一個由羅蘭 PTA和洛杉磯縣公園設施部門聯合主辦的大型社區園遊會。

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