Again, STC Center won the first place on Rowland Heights Buckboard Days Parade!
Formed by STC Management, Dance Impressions Productions, and Institute of Chinese Martial Arts, STC Center presented the variety of chinese culture trough chinese dances, martial arts, Techno Third Princes, lion dances, and, of course, our 25ft tall STC Boy in a red bib made by ourselves, perfectly reflecting the theme, "Diverse Community United in Service".
Special thanks to those who have put great efforts into this parade, including Philip Entertainment Production who provided audio system support, CIMA Picture who recorded our whole event, and all STC family members. Hope everyone has enjoyed the parade!
本屆羅蘭崗花車遊行上,STC以“STC順天聯合(STC Center)“的身份組成隊伍。STC順天聯合目前融合了STC資產管理(STC Management) 、舞印舞蹈中心暨舞印製作(DIP)以及中華武術學院(ICMA)三個團體。我們的隊伍試圖向社區展示中國的多元文化,以呼應本次“多種族融合互助的社區”的遊行主題。
Formed by STC Management, Dance Impressions Productions, and Institute of Chinese Martial Arts, STC Center presented the variety of chinese culture trough chinese dances, martial arts, Techno Third Princes, lion dances, and, of course, our 25ft tall STC Boy in a red bib made by ourselves, perfectly reflecting the theme, "Diverse Community United in Service".
Special thanks to those who have put great efforts into this parade, including Philip Entertainment Production who provided audio system support, CIMA Picture who recorded our whole event, and all STC family members. Hope everyone has enjoyed the parade!
本屆羅蘭崗花車遊行上,STC以“STC順天聯合(STC Center)“的身份組成隊伍。STC順天聯合目前融合了STC資產管理(STC Management) 、舞印舞蹈中心暨舞印製作(DIP)以及中華武術學院(ICMA)三個團體。我們的隊伍試圖向社區展示中國的多元文化,以呼應本次“多種族融合互助的社區”的遊行主題。
我們的隊伍中有身著各類中國民族舞蹈服裝的舞者表演舞蹈,有舞獅、九節鞭、太極等中華武術的展示,有STC成員身著從台灣請來的電音三太子行頭跳舞,更有去年遊行就備受矚目的兩層樓高的充氣STC Boy。為了體現中國文化,我們還親手為STC Boy縫製了有”福“字的肚兜。我們的花車上有親手折的彩色花朵,也有展現社區多元性的各族裔居民的圖片。所有參加遊行的STC成員都換上了體現他們各自文化背景的服裝,跟著音樂載歌載舞。
STC順天聯合要感謝所有為我們這次遊行成功付出心力的團體和個人。感謝Philip Entertainment Production 匯豐音效製作提供音響設備支持。感謝Cima司馬文化全程進行影像記錄。更要感謝所有STC大家庭成員的付出,相信大家也收穫了很多歡樂!