June 17-30 2013 Youth Leadership Camp青少年領袖品德培養訓練營

WHEN: June 17 - 28, 
June 29 - 30 Graduation Camp (Elective)
AGE RANGE: 12 - 21
REGISTRATION FEE: $50 (No Tuition)

Well received from last year, STC Youth Leadership Training Camp will be open again. This year, our couces will focus on Moral Characters, College Preparation, and Career Path Building, and will end with a graduation camp.

Register Now

繼去年大獲好評之後,STC 順天聯合青少年領袖品德培養訓練營將再度開營。今年課程重心將放在品德塑造、大學申請和職業發展上,並將以野營的方式結業。

