On September 21, The Foundation For Disabled Youth (FFDY) held the annual charity fundraiser “Together: Creating A Better Tomorrow”, which presented wonderful dance and martial arts performances. Working together with STC Foundation and Mt. San Antonio College as co-organizers, the event was a great success.
FFDY hopes to raise enough money to allow their angels to live fulfilling and meaningful lives and also to provide homes for them as they reach adulthood.
9月21日,天使之家殘障基金會(FFDY)舉辦了「心手相連共創美好明天」2013年度的慈善募款會,呈現了一台精彩的歌舞與武術表演。STC 順天聯合基金會與聖安東尼學院作為協辦單位一同全力支持。
募款會上,FFDY的天使們帶來了歡快的歌舞表演,入選美國國家代表隊的MTeam進行了精彩的跆拳道表演,以及為殘障人士提供武術教學的Marquez學校的學生表演了武術。STC 順天聯合基金會的藝術總監馬淑芬老師在9年後為了這次有意義的活動重返舞臺,與STC總裁許惠欽等人用一支充滿活力的舞蹈為活動開場,幫殘障朋友打氣。