Change is inevitable, especially over a period of three decades; stock markets have risen and fallen, unemployment rates fluctuated, and businesses have opened and closed their doors. Although certain trials and tribulations can prove to be devastating, STC Management has been able to beat the odds and ‘manage’ its way into success. Our decision to uphold the highest standards of professional service, ethical conduct, and knowledgeable insight has fueled the growth STC Management enjoys today.
The key to success did not come from a focus on the business aspect, but from the combination of community involvement and personal growth as well. Collaboration of Wisdom of business, the Love of the community, and the Health from within proved to be the most effective tool in propelling STC Management onward and upward. Understanding and realizing that all things are related, STC Management combines these three aspects to provide prosperity to individuals and communities.
We would like to thank all our friends, families, supporters, and associates for making STC Management what it is today. With your continued support, we have a very promising future ahead. We look forward to working with everyone towards a better tomorrow.
不僅在專業管理上力求精進,我們同時也重視深耕經營與回饋社區。於2012年成立了非營利的順天聯合基金會,作為支持與積極參與社區公眾事務的平台,透過文化交流與藝文演出將中華文化的博大精深為年輕的學子們帶來耳濡目染的薰陶。 今年五月正式邁入成立後的第三十個年頭,除了在這裡以感激的心情來跟每位社區的朋友與先進們分享我們的喜悅,更要藉此邀請更多新朋友們一起來加入STC的大家庭,秉承著健康、愛、智慧的信念一起來服務大眾與幫助需要幫助的人們,傳遞幸福的真諦。