CEO Commentary - What are Landlord’s and tenant’s responsibilities before and after a natural disaster, such as an earthquake? 如發生自然災害例如地震,商業房地產的房東和房客之前和之後的責任會是什麼?
In light of recent events, we asked our CEO, John Hsu, this...
What are Landlord’s and tenant’s responsibilities before and after a natural disaster, such as an earthquake?
In general, most leases do provide specific and detailed responsibilities governing both tenant and landlord, such as buying casualty insurance and keeping the building in good condition.
Some standardized lease agreements stipulate natural disasters that cause severe damages beyond repairs or recovering time beyond 12 months can allow parties to the contract the right to terminate the lease prematurely.
Acquiring earthquake or flood insurance and retrofitting older buildings to provide better protection against these unforeseeable natural calamities can be prudent and helpful. In addition, routine property inspections by building specialists and proper building maintenance and upgrades can also alleviate
damages and losses from natural disasters.
購買自然災害保險以及改建加強老舊建築物能更佳謹慎的預防這些無法預見的災害。 此外,建築物例行的日常維修及檢查也可以減輕自然災害造成的損失
~ John Hsu 許惠欽, CCIM, MBA, CPM (Linked in)