中小企業協助機構商展 (FREE)*
May 11, 2018 | 10AM to 8:30PM
STC Center- 1040 S. Otterbein Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748
Early Bird Benefit
Register online now and get your complimentary bottle of red wine! Offer valid for the first 100 registrants only! (with proof of registered ticket only)**
You can receive one Free Wine Tasting Voucher (min. 21yr. old) per person***
研討會入場每人將可獲贈免費品酒券一張 (限21歲)***

On May 11, 2018, Regional Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley partnering with Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn’s office and STC Management, in collaboration with County departments, hope to take the opportunity to provide you the most updated and accurate information at the 6th ANNUAL 2018 ASIAN BUSINESS SEMINAR. At the seminar presentation, Key representatives from different County departments will be explaining the newest regulations, labor laws, tax laws and new services offered; the local business support groups will be offering services that are usually free of charge but can bring great value to your businesses.
五月十一日,聖蓋博谷商會偕同洛杉磯縣第四區主管Janice Hahn和STC資產管理公司,與縣政府各個重要部門合作,將在第六屆免費亞裔商業研討會上為您提供最準確的答案。在研討會上,不同縣政府部門的主要代表將為您解釋最新的法規,最新的勞動法,最新的稅法和最新的服務。當地的商業團體更將提供通常免費但可以為您的生意帶來非常大價值的服務。
Early Bird Benefit
Register online now and get your complimentary bottle of red wine! Offer valid for the first 100 registrants only! (with proof of registered ticket only)**
You can receive one Free Wine Tasting Voucher (min. 21yr. old) per person***
研討會入場每人將可獲贈免費品酒券一張 (限21歲)***
Are you a business owner, in the process of starting your business, or thinking of owning your own business? Then you will have dealings with government regulations, whether was applying for permits or something as simple as putting up a banner. You may also have encountered some regulatory confusion. Do you know where and who to ask to get the right answer? Do you know there are many resources out there that can help you? The great news is many of them are free. And we would like to offer an opportunity for you be familiar with them all.
On May 11, 2018, Regional Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley partnering with Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn’s office and STC Management, in collaboration with County departments, hope to take the opportunity to provide you the most updated and accurate information at the 6th ANNUAL 2018 ASIAN BUSINESS SEMINAR. At the seminar presentation, Key representatives from different County departments will be explaining the newest regulations, labor laws, tax laws and new services offered; the local business support groups will be offering services that are usually free of charge but can bring great value to your businesses.
五月十一日,聖蓋博谷商會偕同洛杉磯縣第四區主管Janice Hahn和STC資產管理公司,與縣政府各個重要部門合作,將在第六屆免費亞裔商業研討會上為您提供最準確的答案。在研討會上,不同縣政府部門的主要代表將為您解釋最新的法規,最新的勞動法,最新的稅法和最新的服務。當地的商業團體更將提供通常免費但可以為您的生意帶來非常大價值的服務。
How to start and run a successful small business
Covering the latest tax laws, labor laws, and business regulations
Free government and professional resources for your business
In Collaborations with 政府合作單位
Sheriff’s Department 警察局, Department of Public Works-Building and Safety 公共工程部 - 建築安全部門, Department of Regional Planning-Zoning & Permits 區域規劃部門 - 分區部, Treasurer and Tax Collector-Business License 財務及稅收部門 - 營業執照部, Department of Public Health-Environmental Health Division-Health Inspections and Permits 公眾健康部門 - 公共環境健康部, Fire Department- Prevention Division 消防局 - 防火部門, Consumer and Business Affairs- Small Business Concierge 洛杉磯縣消費者商務部門 - 中小型商業總務部, Community, Development Commission-Commercial Loans 洛杉磯縣社區發展委員會 - 企業貸款部, Employment Development Department 員工就業發展部(EDD).

The day’s program will start with a “Commercial Real Estate Seminar for Investors” by STC Management CEO, John Hsu, follow by presentations from LA County Key Representatives and local business support groups to update the newest regulations and services, and the renown Angie Somm’s Wine Introductory Seminar with tasting and great business opportunities at the Multinational Networking Gala.
這一天的活動將由STC管理公司執行長許惠欽主講的商業不動產投資研討會開始,討論投資商業不動產必修的功課,接著由縣政府各部門的重要代表和民間商業商業團體介紹最新法規和服務,更有著名侍酒師 Angie Somm的美酒品酒介紹會和最後能為您帶來絕佳商機國際社交晚宴。
*"MEETING WITH COUNTY KEY REPRESENTATIVES and BUSINESS EXPO" is part of the 2018 Asian Business Seminar
For Booth Opportunities Please download form here 攤位報名表請點此

Offer valid for the first 100 online registrants only and not available for the guests of the registrants. Registrants will need to claim the offer during the registration process for this offer to be valid. Must present the printed proof of registered ticket to receive the offer. Offer expires when 100 bottles of supply have depleted or on 5/11/2018, 12 noon, whichever comes first.
優惠只適用於前100名網上報名者,且不適用於非報名者的偕帶的客人。 報名者需要在報名過程中選項該優惠使其生效,並在入場時出示已登記印刷證明才能收到優惠。 優惠截止於當天100瓶供量結束或中午12時。
優惠只適用於前100名網上報名者,且不適用於非報名者的偕帶的客人。 報名者需要在報名過程中選項該優惠使其生效,並在入場時出示已登記印刷證明才能收到優惠。 優惠截止於當天100瓶供量結束或中午12時。

6th Annual 2018 Asian Business Seminar
May 11, 2018 | 10AM to 8:30PM
STC Center- 1040 S. Otterbein Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748
Regional Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley 聖蓋博谷商會
Los Angeles County Department, Janice Hahn’s Office and STC Management 洛杉磯縣政府及STC資產管理公司
Major Sponsors