May 11, 2018 | 10AM to 8:30PM
STC Center- 1040 S. Otterbein Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748
Early Bird Benefit
Register online now and get your complimentary bottle of red wine! Offer valid for the first 100 registrants only! (with proof of registered ticket only)**
You can receive one Free Wine Tasting Voucher (min. 21yr. old) per person***
研討會入場每人將可獲贈免費品酒券一張 (限21歲)***
Early Bird Benefit
Register online now and get your complimentary bottle of red wine! Offer valid for the first 100 registrants only! (with proof of registered ticket only)**
You can receive one Free Wine Tasting Voucher (min. 21yr. old) per person***
研討會入場每人將可獲贈免費品酒券一張 (限21歲)***
NAPA WINE TASTING 品酒 ($20/person, waived with Wine voucher 憑品酒票免費**)
A lot of us can drink wine, but only a few can really understand the wine. Because wine tasting is an art form obtained through a lengthy process of education and experience. Do you think you would like start and understand what wine is and truly appreciate the entirety of it? We have invited an expert Sommelier to show you, and take you step by step into the world of wine tasting!
Angie An 安玉琪, Advanced Sommelier
Angie An is the only Chinese/English Bilingual Advanced Sommelier in The United States. Her diverse cultural background and extensive knowledge will take you on an amazing journey inside the world of wine. With Angie Somm, you’ll find only the highest quality wines, tasting notes to expand your wine vocabulary, and even pairing suggestions for a full dining experience.
Angie 是目前極少數有 Court of Master Sommelier 的 Advanced Level 的華人侍酒師, 2015 成立了 Angie Somm 酒商公司, 希望能在這裡為美國的華人服務, 介紹她所深愛的葡萄酒給大家購買與品嘗。
What is Sommelier 什麼是侍酒師
A sommelier, or wine steward, is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional. A professional certified sommelier often requires some combination of experience, training, formal education, classes and examinations.
侍酒師或葡萄酒管家是一位訓練有素,經驗豐富的葡萄酒專家。 一位專業認證的侍酒師經常需要一些經驗,培訓,正規教育,課程和考試的組合。
Advanced Sommelier is one of the higher level the Court of Master Sommelier awards out. Court of Master Sommeliers was established in 1977, to elevate beverage standards in the dining industry. Currently, there’s only around 324 Advanced Sommelier in US been awarded this level of achievement
高級侍酒師是 Court of Master Sommelier 頒發的較高級別之一。 Court of Master Sommelier成立於1977年,旨在提升飲食行業的飲品標準。 目前,美國祇有約324名高級侍酒師獲得這一殊榮。
Facebook Group
Shop page
只要累積購買超過一箱 (12 瓶) Angie Somm 都會免費幫你寄到家喔!
Purchase minimum of one case (12 bottle) then free shipping
只要累積購買超過一箱 (12 瓶) Angie Somm 都會免費幫你寄到家喔!
Purchase minimum of one case (12 bottle) then free shipping
*"GOURMET WINE INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR AND TASTING " is part of the 2018 Asian Business Seminar
Napa Wineries
Bjorn Winery
Nellcote Winery

Offer valid for the first 100 online registrants only and not available for the guests of the registrants. Registrants will need to claim the offer during the registration process for this offer to be valid. Must present the printed proof of registered ticket to receive the offer. Offer expires when 100 bottles of supply have depleted or on 5/11/2018, 12 noon, whichever comes first.
優惠只適用於前100名網上報名者,且不適用於非報名者的偕帶的客人。 報名者需要在報名過程中選項該優惠使其生效,並在入場時出示已登記印刷證明才能收到優惠。 優惠截止於當天100瓶供量結束或中午12時。
優惠只適用於前100名網上報名者,且不適用於非報名者的偕帶的客人。 報名者需要在報名過程中選項該優惠使其生效,並在入場時出示已登記印刷證明才能收到優惠。 優惠截止於當天100瓶供量結束或中午12時。

For Booth Opportunities Please download form here 攤位報名表請點此

6th Annual 2018 Asian Business Seminar
May 11, 2018 | 10AM to 8:30PM
STC Center- 1040 S. Otterbein Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748
In Collaborations with 政府合作單位
Sheriff’s Department 警察局, Department of Public Works-Building and Safety 公共工程部 - 建築安全部門, Department of Regional Planning-Zoning & Permits 區域規劃部門 - 分區部, Treasurer and Tax Collector-Business License 財務及稅收部門 - 營業執照部, Department of Public Health-Environmental Health Division-Health Inspections and Permits 公眾健康部門 - 公共環境健康部, Fire Department- Prevention Division 消防局 - 防火部門, Consumer and Business Affairs- Small Business Concierge 洛杉磯縣消費者商務部門 - 中小型商業總務部, Community, Development Commission-Commercial Loans 洛杉磯縣社區發展委員會 - 企業貸款部, Employment Development Department 員工就業發展部(EDD).
Regional Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley 聖蓋博谷商會
Los Angeles County Department, Janice Hahn’s Office and STC Management 洛杉磯縣政府及STC資產管理公司
Major Sponsors