The 6th Annual Asian Business Seminar has concluded with resounding success!


The 6th Annual Asian Business Seminar has concluded with resounding success! About 300 people on the facility floor that day. We have over 40 business, organizations and County departments in the Business Expo, over 400 attendees and about 80 groups in the evening Social Gala. We want to thank all of the attendees, the Los Angeles County Departments, local businesses and all of community groups who came and support the event. Special thanks to Congressman Ed Royce, Congresswoman Judy Chu, and Assemblyman Assembly member Ed Chau, of their aspiring speeches.
第六屆亞洲商務研討會於五月十一日圓滿成功! 當天在會場超過300人,商展上有約40多個企業,社區團體和洛縣部門,而在國際社交晚宴上有超過400名賓客及約80個團體踴躍參與。 我們感謝所有來參加的朋友,洛杉磯縣相關部門,及當地企業和各個社區團體。 特別感謝國會議員Ed Royce,國會議員July Chu和加州議員Ed Chau,他們的支持與演講。

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